Teenagestyle's Blog

everyone is happy
cuz it is a new year
and a new life
for everyone
new teacher new class
even new school

every year comes with a new moto
some are like
live health
get rich
good studies
happy family
different people different moto
some special one are like
want to be a singer or actor
some hope a guy will ask for your hand
some hope to get famous even when u wouldn’t
but again who say the imposible ia imposible.
but if really your moto did not come true
unexpected things may happen
live happy

who say we cannot have a great holiday
holiday just begin
so why we cannot have fun
what are your plans for your holiday
i and my friend went to genting highland
and trust me
it did not turn out how i plan
but i did not say it is not fun
so what are your plans for your holiday
leave a comment about your holiday
fun or not

remember the last post about some parents
yeah parents say NO
but it is true
miricals can do will already happen
u see
i plan a genting highland trip with my friend for 3 day 2 night
and one of my friend’s parent say NO
but again miricals do happen
my friend ask her mom
her mom ask her dad and
her parents say yes
nothing is more magical then a parent saying yes

i always want to have fun with my friends like
swim, skating, park, genting, cinema
but just when i plan every thing
one of our parent so NO
and it is the end
and when one of us cant go none if us go
it always end like that
some parent are worrying bout safety
but i plan everything
including safety….
but when some parent know it is safe
they never let thier child go
i have lotsa friend who is 14 and never go out on a school trip
i hope any of you who have an idea
please comment

sorry if i very long no reply to any comments
not very free so i hope
you all are ok with it

i just finished my sejarah folio
and i got a full mark.
i am so happy
anyone who need any help on sejarah folio
pls leave a coment i will answer!!!

a lot of people want to know how to do objektif kajian
so now objektif must have…4 is the best
1.mengenali dan memahami sejarah perkembangan sekolah
2.mengenali nama lambang misi visi sekolah
3.memupuk rasa bangga dan cinta terhadap sekolah
4.memupuk nilai murni yang diwarisi di kalangan warga dan warga sekolah
that all but again for more info SCIBD

That day i was looking for a folio site
Then i found this website
Very good Got every thing
I can just copy directly
Need help go
I found all my answer there!!!

First  make sure you have 2 elemen.

Elemen 1 you have to find information about your school history

from different way like lawat tempat kajian, internet at least must have 4.

Elemen2 you must have


-senarai kandungan

-penghargaan(to at least 3 people put name also)

-Objektif kajian(3 objektif)

-Kaedah kajian (3 kaedah )

-Hasil kajian ( 4 topik )

-Rumusan(3 unsur patriotisme)

-lampiran(3 kategori) picture, graf

-Rujukan(4 jenis)

Do every thing like above and you will get full mark.

First the content must got


-senarai kandungan
make sure you put all the content in order

must say thank you to at least 3 people

why this folio is important

-objektif kajian

-kawasan kajian
2 internet map,1 hand draw map

-hasil kajian

-kaedah kajian

-bahan grafik
graf and jadual                                                                                                                                                     



I just finish mine so i know how to do. Ask any Question if i know i will answer

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